De olhos... e ouvidos no aluno
Eyes... and ears on the student
This practical report describes the first stage of the Exploratory Study done in 2006 with schools that took part in the Estudar pra Valer! Portuguese Language Project, in the municipalities of Bebedouro – SP, Limeira – SP, Resende – RJ and São Bernardo do Campo – SP. The Study sought to assess the Project that began in 2002, in the city of Itanhaém – SP, with a project geared towards learning of reading and text production by students from 1st to 4th grade of Primary School. A qualitative and longitudinal assessment proposal was created that covered various data collection strategies. For each of the four municipalities involved in the Study, four schools took part, with four 1st through 4th grade teachers and their respective students, in addition to the administrative teams. The strategies included student and teacher registration for longitudinal monitoring; a questionnaire for characterization of the profile of teachers, administrators and schools; a data survey on student attendance and yield; a questionnaire on reading habits and cultural practices of families and students; interviews with the four administrative teams, 15 teachers and 47 students; reading activities and text production with the 461 students that were part of the study. The results of this first stage allowed for a wide-ranging view of the context of the schools, some family literacy data, aspects of learning for the students involved in the Study and implementation of the Project in the schools. The report concludes that the methodology adopted is not the only methodology possible, but it can contribute to increasingly legitimate analyses of this nature in the field of assessment.
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ISSN 2237-9983